Annick & Nathalie

Annick (she)

Nathalie (she)

Léo (he, 13 years old)

Anne (she, 10 years old)

Romain (he, 10 years old)

lesbian parenting, mixed bank adoption, assisted reproduction 

Region: Gaspesie

Nathalie and Annick founded their family through assisted reproduction and adoption. Annick carried the couple’s first child, and their other children were adopted. This family considers itself to be like all families except that there are two mothers, and they are very proud that their children are actively developing their potential and living their passions!

The two moms had thought long and hard about how they wanted to start their family. For Nathalie, the desire to carry a child had never been present and she had a preference for adoption. As for Annick, she really wanted to experience pregnancy, so the couple decided that she would be the one carrying their children. Annick lived her dream by becoming pregnant with their first child with the help of assisted reproduction. Then, after several months of unsuccessful attempts, the couple decided to grow their family with the help of adoption. They welcomed their second and third child through adoption, and thus completed their family. While Annick was pregnant, she wanted to get involved with GRIS, an organization whose mission is to raise awareness of different sexual orientations and gender identities, to pave the way for her children who would probably have to answer questions about their family. Nathalie, for her part, is involved in the governing board of their children’s schools!