Alexe & Valérie

Alexe (she)

Valérie (she)

Bébé (7 months of at the time of the interview)

Région : Montréal

same-sex parenting, assisted reproduction

Alexe and Valérie became parents with the help of assisted reproduction in a fertility clinic. Their family project required a lot of patience, love and reading scientific texts since assisted reproduction is not always easy to navigate! Alexe and Valérie have a feminist parenting approach and are fortunate to have a lot of support from their families of origin and from their chosen family.

The two parents, whose greatest pride is, of course, their baby, are also proud of their tenacity in the face of adversity and the hetero-cis-normative obstacles they encountered in the process of creating their parental project. The two moms had to pass the same medical tests as couples who are considered infertile since same-sex couples are considered “socially infertile”. Some of these tests were not even mandatory, but this was not specified during the process. They were able to count on their families of origin, but also on many friends whom they consider to be their chosen family. Alexe and Valérie have been blessed with the support and involvement of their friends and family, both during the creation of their parental project, and now with their new baby.