Phillie et Roxanne

Phillie/Dadou (they) 

Mom (s·he)

Roxanne (she)

Tatie (she)

Tonton (he)  

Nev (she/they) (4 years old)

Baby cousin (he)

Region: Quebec City

blended family, home insemination, trans parent, non-binary parent, queer family, chosen family

Nev was conceived through Phillie (affectionately called Dadou) and mom’s parental project. They chose to have their child through home insemination with the help of a donor. In a shared custody arrangement, Nev lives part-time with Dadou and Roxanne in their home, and part-time with mum, Tatie, Tonton, and baby cousin in their home. Nev, affectionately nicknamed Boulie, can rely on five caring adults in a large chosen and blended family where, as she says herself, she does not stop growing!

Dadou and mom had Nev while being romantically involved and living in Montreal. It was with the help of a friend that they conceived Nev by artisanal insemination. When Nev was eight months old, the parents, who were then looking for a bigger apartment in Montreal, were invited to move in temporarily with Tonton and Tatie in Quebec City. While cohabitating, the two couples decided to create a common family project, where that they would raise their children together as a large chosen family. Mom and Dadou’s separation in 2020 led to a family reconfiguration. Phillie now lives with their partner Roxanne in an apartment close to where the rest of the family lives. Although the separation has brought its share of challenges, the adults have been able to put the children’s needs at the heart of their concerns and ensure that these special bonds are maintained. Nev is a curious and sensitive child who benefits from gender-neutral parenting where she learns from the unique experiences of her Dadou, her mother, her Roxanne, her Tonton, and her Tatie.