Ariane et Elisabeth

Ariane (she)

Elisabeth (she)

Arnaud (he, 2 years old)

Region: Montreal 

Same-sex parenting, home insemination, known donor

Elisabeth and Ariane are the two proud mothers of Arnaud, who is now two years old. They were able to access parenthood via home insemination, thanks to a friend who offered to be the donor. Ariane carried Arnaud, and the couple is now in the process of expanding the family. This time, it is Elisabeth who will carry the second baby, with the same method and the same donor !

Ariane, Elisabeth, and Arnaud are lucky to live close to the family! In order to help each other, the family recently moved into Ariane’s mother’s building. Added to this family constellation are Arnaud’s godmothers, his Aunties, who share the same alley and whom he can see every day! Elisabeth and Ariane are very proud of the whole process that allowed them to realize their dream of starting a family. From the moment they wished to be parents, through their participation in the LGBT+ Family Coalition workshops, to their friend’s offer to be the donor, they knew how to respect their own timing and their values to create their dream family.